EBF webpage Cybersecurity picture


IN 2019

i.e. 165 million Europeans lacked basic digital skills
while there were


ransomware attacks per day


of cyber attacks rely on social engineering

“Public-private cooperation is essential when it comes to effectively fighting digital cross border crimes.

“Cybercriminals know no borders. This is why we will continue to support cooperation and exchange of information between law enforcement authorities and make sure they have the right tools and skills to address the challenges of the digital age.”

“There can be no successful digital innovation in banking or any other sector, if it’s not based on cybersecurity and digital operational resilience.”

“Member States have come to agree on the need to increase cooperation and make joint efforts to develop a common approach meant to strengthen the European cyberspace.”

“At the highest level of the organisation [cybersecurity] has to be on your agenda every day, because without being aware of it, of what is going on, you cannot run the business anymore.”


EBF position on the Commission’s DORA proposal (2020): Key points

The adoption of innovative technology by European banks requires a balance between a reliable and consistent framework of financial regulation and flexibility to adapt to changing business models. The inherently cross-border nature of digital service solutions needs to be addressed by banks, regulators, and digital service providers on common ground, looking for the secure facilitation of financial service innovation across Europe. An appropriate and harmonized pan-European legal framework is key to facilitate the adoption of innovative technology.

Consequently, the EBF welcomes the European Commission’s aim to enhance operational resilience in Europe. The financial industry’s own considerations will benefit from more harmonized ICT-related rules at the European level, aligned with the existing supervisory framework today. Detrimental fragmentation of the regulatory framework should be avoided, addressing risks consistently and proportionately across European jurisdictions without hampering the financial industry’s ability to apply innovative services.

With this position paper, the EBF addresses the proposal for a Regulation on digital operational resilience for the financial sector, as published by the Commission in September 2020. Full position available HERE

EBF’s strategy on the digital transformation of banks comprises a number of workstreams; underlying them all is Cybersecurity

The main objective of EBF’s work on Cybersecurity is to safeguard the integrity of banking networks and the trust of customers.

EBF’s actions to achieve this objective include:

–  Contribution to shaping a European legislative, regulatory & supervisory environment that is more harmonized and conducive to the fight against cybercrime

–  Promotion of initiatives to facilitate information sharing on cyber threats

–  Activities to raise awareness on cybersecurity issues and to enhance cybersecurity skills for bank employees and customers



Take control of your digital life. Don’t be a victim of cyber scams!

EC3-EBF CyberScams campaign

Cybercriminals are constantly looking for ways to make money at your expense. Individuals and organisations often fall prey to frauds that involve various forms of social engineering techniques, where the information required is garnered from a person rather than breaking into a system.

These scams are typical examples of how cyber attackers can easily play on people’s psychology and perceptions. The tips provided here are aimed to help you protect yourself. Awareness is your best defence! Lear more 

No More Ransom campaign

Skills and awareness in the digital space are essential also for personal security. The EBF Digital Skills strategy is therefore very closely linked with its work on cybersecurity. EBF has joined forces with Europol EC3, the European Cybercrime Center of the EU Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, promoting awareness on digital security and cybercrime. EBF is also regularly supporting the European Cybersecurity Month, organised by ENISA every year in October.


Cyber resilience in Banking: Regulation, Synergies and Trust

Thursday, 28 October 2021



Security is the cornerstone of successful digital transformation, especially in banking where trust lies at the heart of the relationship with customers. European banks drive their digital innovation in cooperation with multiple ICT service providers, composing an all-growing supply chain of third parties. Bank and non-bank actors in the chain, regulatory and supervisory authorities are striving for a high level of resilience and cybersecurity across the ecosystem.

As the EU legislator proposes a harmonized approach to operational resilience under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), regulators and industry discussed this advancing initiative and its effect on digital innovation. Taking place within the European Cybersecurity Month, this Digital Thursday showcased also the importance of cyber threat information sharing and other private sector initiatives, including raising awareness on cyber risks.


Cyber security & resilience: The basis of it all in digital innovation

Thursday, 22 October 2020



The first day of EBF’s Innovation & Cyber Thursdays 2020 was devoted to cyber security and resilience, the basis underlying every field of digital innovation. Taking place during the European Cyber Security Month and building upon the previous annual editions of the (physical) EBF Cybersecurity Conference, the digital event aimed to explore the rapidly evolving cyber trends and challenges for banks.

As Covid-19 had substantially affected our society and accelerated digitalization in every field of the economy, lessons learned from the pandemic crisis and its impact on the resilience of the banking sector were among the points of focus of the day. Additionally, with new EU legislative developments and international initiatives underway in the field of digital operational resilience for financial institutions, policy-makers, field experts from banks and international stakeholders shared their insights on how to better address the ICT risks of an increasingly interdependent financial ecosystem. The European and international priorities and proposals for facilitating efficient and timely cyber info sharing among market participants, an important tool in identifying and mitigating cyber threats, were another subject of the day.

For more information
Alexandra Maniati

Alexandra Maniati

Senior Director of Innovation & Cybersecurity
Dimos Karalis

Dimos Karalis

Policy Adviser - Innovation & Cybersecurity